Hardtalk interview available for viewing online

'Zimbabwe after Mugabe': David Coltart interviewed by Stephen Sackur for BBC Hardtalk

I’ve had many emails saying that some people have been unable to find the Hardtalk interview on the BBC website or that you were unable to watch it online. I can confirm that it is now available for viewing online via the BBC at a page titled ‘Zimbabwe after Mugabe’. This is the link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/hardtalk/6063888.stm.

In addition to that, I have added an audio file of the interview that is available for downloading by clicking on the link at the end of this post (to save it to your computer, right-click on the link and choose ‘save link as’). The audio file is in MP3 format and is 2.7MB in size. I appreciate that this is still a very large file for those who are trying to download via a dial-up connection. To make it easier for Zimbabweans, I plan to upload a transcript of the interview to the website as soon as possible. Please keep checking back.

If you know someone who would like to receive a copy of the interview transcript but does not have access to the internet, please ask them to send us an email requesting that we email the transcript to them as soon as it is available.

Hardtalk interview (MP3 audio file, 2.7MB)

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